Printer Pizzaria is opening on 27th street on the main campus of the University of Michigan. This used to be the home to the famuous William Pizza store, but the owners have decided to revamp to the modern era. Printer Pizza will be completely printed with a 3D Printer. This will be the first ever restaurant to serve 3D printed foods in the United States. This is a huge development for food in the United States as well as the rest of the world.
Printer Pizzaria will be opening on Wednesday Febreuary 13, 2019 . This will be a legendary day in the culinary world. Pizza connoisseurs from all over the world will be in attendance. Make sure you book your tickets at a pizzaria near you. Tickets for this event will start at $10,000 and reach up to $100,000 . Don't miss this once in a lifetime event! Look at what Forbes Magazine had to say.
Printer Pizzaria is revolutionizing the Pizza IndustryGo back to the Hub!